I was chatting to an old friend this morning. We haven't seen each other for at least 10 years and she now lives a gorgeous life in the Caribbean. She is out here visiting family and we are going to catch up. I can't wait. While I was talking to her on the phone this morning the poor Tinker climbed up onto my lap and calmly deposited about a litre of spew all over me, wiped her mouth on my shirt and climbed down to finish playing with the shape sorter. I had been folding the towels while I was talking so I used a face towel to wipe down the couch and managed to juggle the child, the phone and the cloth to catch the second deposit in a Tupperware container the Tinker uses to carry her shapes.
I said to my friend- oh she has just vomited all over me. She said "Oh my gosh do you have to go? Are you ok? I can't believe you are so calm!". Tinker was happily playing with the shapes, I removed my pants, started spraying the Preen and continued my conversation. I guess it is funny when you think about how nonchalant you become when you have a child. Spew shmew, doesn't gross me out anymore. 10 things at once? No worries. It becomes second nature doesn't it? Not much panics me now. Except of course finding the right preschool but that is a post for another day.
We don't have a great deal on today. I am visiting my friend at the chemo ward and I'm hoping to finish cutting the fabric for a gorgeous baby PJ pattern my friend Cathy bought for me.
Speaking of sewing, I have finally made the two little cushions for Tinkers red chair. I decided against buttons and zippers and went for a pillow case closure because it was the easiest option for talentless me. It turned out ok. Not great but ok. Here is my first born child modelling with the cushions on the nursery chair.
I am 95% finished sewing a little dress for the Tinker but at midnight I discovered one of the two ribbons was missing so I now need to buy a new pair before I can complete that as well. Bugger. I will bore you with photos of that once it is done.
Now... onto a more serious topic. How to get the eau de spew off my couch? I'm opening this up for suggestions now. There must be an easy way. So far all I have done is clean it with Preen for Carpets and the stains are gone but the smell, oh the smell. Help!
ReplyDeletesprinkle bi-carb soda on it and leave it for a while then vacuum off.
ReplyDeletei did this on my carpet when my bub vomited all over it. no more smell!
Sew a nice simple couch cover and cover it up! or turn the cushion over if it can.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to start having some sewing experiments also...any tips??
My hubby is a big believer in boiling water from the kettle sucked up with a shop vac. Works every time.
ReplyDeletekudos to you for being so nonchalant with your first baby....
ReplyDeleteyou can imagine how you will be with your fourth!
my georgie alice is self sufficient at two years old! :)
My kids are currently spewing too. All four of them. It's not fun. I hope she is feeling better soon. As for the smell try the boiling water, if you don't have a shop vac just use and old cloth diaper to soak it up. When it is good and dry try the baking soda and vacuum.