Friday, July 24, 2009

Fast Friday Funny - Bitten in McDonalds?

Nope. Not talking about biting a burger.

The Chron newspaper reported earlier this week that some poor bloke reckons he went to Maccas for a burger and left feeling like quite the burger when two female employees bit him and fondled him.

Apparently he is now suing the store and the employees have been charred. I mean charged. Boom tish.

Ok so it's not painfully funny this week.

Bear with me I'm losing my mind to sleep deprivation!

I hope you all have a lovely TGIF, I'll be back later with the winner of our giveaway and then the Tinker and I are off to another doctor's appointment. After that, we will start our weekend. Hopefully doing something fun. I am thinking we might walk to Luna Park. xx


  1. My husband wants the address of that McDonalds! lol

  2. I hope Tinker is better now and soon all the worries will be gone.
